Community Involvement: Blog Postings

The following article is reposted from C-Store Decisions and features commentary by Ed Collupy, executive consultant, W. Capra Consulting Group.
We’re all part of many different communities – where we live, who we socialize with, membership in professional organizations, groups we learn from and our workplace. In each community you have the opportunity to listen, become an active participant in discussions, be challenged by many points of views and takeaway actionable things to do and put to use.
During May, several communities from throughout the Petroleum Convenience industry will gather at the Conexxus Annual Conference, Gilbarco’s Retail Technology Conference and VeriFone’s Client Forum to share, put forth thoughts and to learn. I hope to see you at some of these and I’ll be writing more about the Conexxus event in an upcoming Convenience Store Decisions article.
I’ve been thinking lately about how working amongst a group of people, my workplace community, is a lot like blogging. My colleagues are engaged with many different retailers and technology providers, and we help each other stay informed with fast moving retail technology updates, bounce ideas off of one another to help a client and even be entertained by someone’s quirky thinking. Go to many of the professional posting sites on the web and you’ll be brought up to speed, hear frustrations coupled with advice and laugh along the way.
I started posting and interacting with posts at a software provider’s community site many years ago and always had great results from it. Over the past year, I’ve been posting here at the Convenience Store Decisions website and hopefully you’ve gained something from the information I’ve shared.
For this post I want to share some of my colleagues’ recent posts on rather timely technology-related topics and let you benefit from their perspectives:

You can become part of this community right now – “Start the discussion” as it says in the box below and get involved. Share your thoughts and ideas related to these topics or pass along what you’d like to learn more about that I could include in future posts.

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